21 December 2010

My Office Table

Wanita yang berkerja, tak kira swasta atau kerajaan biasanya lebih menitikberatkan tanggungjawab atau amanah yg mereka pegang, which is, what they do everyday in office or how they communicate with client.. Kalau dilihat dari sudut pandangan lain, contoh their nice table, i mean dimana meja kerja mereka or where they seat, I can see that most of them love to put decorated flowers, colorful small paper (for them to take a note) or cute design jar to put stationery inside it, photos and frames of their friends and family, and not to forget their table cloth (oh my, i can see that every table ada skirting warna-warni with lace, of course!) 
But my story is, i'm different.. you see, i am technician, what i do? repair and fix computer, sometimes upgrade and update computer applications. I can say a lot but with 100 list may didnt end til night, hehehe! My table? Just imagine, where my screw driver, CD's, screw and bolts, wires....oh god, feel like my life full of mess!! no flowers, no photos, and lots of notes.. I wish i can have office table like this, in a special and privacy room :-)


simple makes better :-)

someday i will work at home :-)
but it's just a dream.....impossible for me to achieve it, but I still pray 1 day my life will change!

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