21 December 2010

What do you think about moisturiser?

Guardian is no.1 on my top list of store where to shop beauty product, why?because easy for me to find skin care product which is suitable for my skin, although not all of them but still, every new product e.g Hada Labo, Nutox Oxyfusion, Loreal etc good on my skin... Actually, i'm start having skin problem when i'm 14, yup, acne's everywhere...scares me but at the age like that, girl like me don't care much.. haha!
Back to topic, moisturiser is complex mixtures of chemical agents specially designed to make the external layers of the skin (epidermis) softer and more pliable, by increasing its hydration (water content) by reducing evaporation. (source: wikipedia... girlssss) hahah! Got it? No? Let see in different way, after cleansing, i will use toner to make my skin more sensitive with active ingredients in the moisturiser.. then i'm applying moisturiser ( usually a night cream ) with a gently massage to my whole face and don't forget the neck.. Well, for me i will using moisturiser every night..it is important for me to rehydrate my skin during the night cos' at day my skin were exposed to air-conditioning and UV rays... :-)
i'm choosing nutox night cream repair, the best product after using hada labo mask, makes my skin more softer than ever!!!
hada labo mask, which you should never think twice to try this product, love it!!!

My Office Table

Wanita yang berkerja, tak kira swasta atau kerajaan biasanya lebih menitikberatkan tanggungjawab atau amanah yg mereka pegang, which is, what they do everyday in office or how they communicate with client.. Kalau dilihat dari sudut pandangan lain, contoh their nice table, i mean dimana meja kerja mereka or where they seat, I can see that most of them love to put decorated flowers, colorful small paper (for them to take a note) or cute design jar to put stationery inside it, photos and frames of their friends and family, and not to forget their table cloth (oh my, i can see that every table ada skirting warna-warni with lace, of course!) 
But my story is, i'm different.. you see, i am technician, what i do? repair and fix computer, sometimes upgrade and update computer applications. I can say a lot but with 100 list may didnt end til night, hehehe! My table? Just imagine, where my screw driver, CD's, screw and bolts, wires....oh god, feel like my life full of mess!! no flowers, no photos, and lots of notes.. I wish i can have office table like this, in a special and privacy room :-)


simple makes better :-)

someday i will work at home :-)
but it's just a dream.....impossible for me to achieve it, but I still pray 1 day my life will change!

01 December 2010

I am ready to be Mom!

Alhamdulillah, selepas setahun 10 bulan aku genap jadi isteri to my beloved husband kini aku dah sedia jadi ibu kpda bakal cahaya mata yg masih lagi dlm pewot, hehehe!Aku syukur sangat2!Alhamdulillah Allah telah makbulkan doaku dan doa semua orang yg doakan kami berdua, terima kasih banyak2 especially my mother and mother in law, merekalah yg banyak membantu...
kalau diingat balik macam2 ubat yg aku makan, termasuklah jamu tradisional, segala urutan perut, huuuu memang sedih jugakla... mujurlah suami sentiasa pujuk aku supaya banyakkan bersabar.. 

ni bukan test kit aku k, ni cuma contoh yg serupa dengan test kit aku
kadang2 boleh sampai aku jeles kawan2 aku yg baru kahwin dah pregnant, menyampah tul lah, org cakap 'bunting pelamin', hemmmm...nak buat camana, dah rezeki diorang.. 
bila aku dah pindah tempat suami, kebetulan kawin adik ipar, majlis buat dirumah la kan, ntah tetiba lepas 3 minggu je, dah tepon mak mertua aku bgitau yang dia pregnant...... WHAT THE?????!!!!!!!

aku selalu simpan dan amalkan perasaan SENTIASA POSITIF tak kira berada dimana..sentiasa TENANGKAN FIKIRAN, kalau tak dapat, cuba amalkan selawat seberapa banyak yg mungkin sehingga kita berasa tenang, Insya Allah, Allah sentiasa membantu umatNya.. 
aku tahu banyak pempuan diluar sana yg mahu hamil tapi tak dapat2, puncanya mungkin sebab hormon tak balance, stressed, pemakanan yg tak seimbang dan banyak faktor yg lain, aku nasihatkan, JANGAN TERLALU FIKIRKAN MAHU HAMIL, betul kowang cubalah petua ni, Alhamdulillah aku hamil sebab amalkan petua ni.(ni petua ke?) whatever la!